Thursday, March 24, 2011

self talk

if you say you can't, you won't.  if you say you can, well then, i'd say you have a better chance at achieving what you set out to do than not.  sometimes circumstances get in the way.  life winds tight and sometimes shakes loose. but your self talk can make or break you.  i said to myself that i could never run.  especially not after nearly blowing out my knee that still gives me hell to this day, 6 years later.  then one day i got sick of hearing that.  so i got up, and ran.  and i kept running.  until one day, i went out and ran 9 miles.  sometimes you just gotta buckle down and go forward with a full head of steam.  sometimes, you just gotta grin and bear it.  sometimes, it sucks.  there's a real person behind all of these words, behind all of these posts, behind this sometimes 'flowery' lingo.  i have a heart, a soul, a mind and the ability to encourage, or do damage.  and so do you.  

step out.  step up.  challenge yourself.  challenge your faith.  challenge your life.  tell yourself you can't do something!  and you probably won't.  tell yourself you can do something, and you probably will.  even if you don't get it on the first try.   

no pictures. no links. no bull(oney).

ok...maybe just one...

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