Sunday, January 30, 2011

i ate a donut AND played hockey...all in one day

it's amazing how anything could alter your mood, your overall reaction to things, your smile, or lack of one. 
it's an amazing thing to take care of yourself.  you rarely hear it from the current generation of young people, but moreso from those ahead of us that end a conversation with, "ok, take care!"  I think we should open our arms as wide as they can go and receive that care.  Hey, it's ok to splurge...on yourself!!!  Chocolate cake, a donut, a movie, a NAP!  Anything that would benefit you for once in a while.  Put on your stretchy, big sweatpants, your favorite shirt, or hoody, comfy warm slippers, plop (yes, jump in the air and fall on your butt...or plop) on the couch, stretch out, cover up with your warmest blanket, snuggle up with you (and in my case, my favorite little man, Stuie) and watch a friggen movie.  Watch Teen Mom reruns, MTV, an old movie.  It is ok to make time for yourself.  After all, you gotta live with you.  So take care of you!

This is what i am NOT saying...become a vagabond, and give up on getting dressed every morning, neglecting jobs, homework, etc.  Maybe don't go more than a day without a shower, for the love.  Thank you.  No, 'woe is me, i'm just gonna give up' just a, "Whoa, it's me time."

Today, i ate a donut AND i played hockey.  And ya know what, I deserved it. 
Take care,


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