Thursday, June 14, 2012

Empty Earth, Heavenly Home: one for my grams

A blog post for my gram. I'm sharing now the end of the suffering my gram went thru here on earth. She passed early this morning around 1am. She wasn't alone. My dad kept her company. And when she knew it was only him and her, she went, as my mom and I and handfuls of others raced to see her.

My shock and pain are non-writable. My tears dried up in the wells of great sadness. The weight of death crushes my bones and makes my heart weary. I cling to this promise from Jesus, "to be absent from the body means to be at home with the Lord". A little under a week ago, I wrote what I was feeling as the morning sun shone thru the slat blinds at work. The truth of it brings little comfort in this great loss. But I'll take it.

Empty Earth, Heavenly Home

The sun shines from heaven And now so do you.
Most would agree you left too soon and say, "this wasn't supposed to be your date."
I think maybe, God just couldn't wait. 
The rays fill a room and warm my face. Reminding me that earth is only a temporary space. 
I'm not happy you're gone, but I'm happy you're safe, 
In arms that extend as far east as they do west. 
They're strong enough to embrace you with a dance, or comfort you with rest. 
The earth, now, will feel a little more empty, 
But I'm glad your new home is heavenly.

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