Thursday, January 12, 2012

When you don't fear...

When you believe Him instead of fear. When you fear something, you are ultimately giving your heart to that thing. You worship what you fear. Living in fear really isn't living at all. It's dying. Slowly closing off the emotions in your heart. Sucking out the oxygen from your lungs. Darkening every doorstep. Pulling down a dark curtain of distrust over the face of Grace. Truth. Freedom. Jesus. And He already tore the veil. The curtain has been rent. But we errect our own divider again. In the face of Grace. Truth. Freedom. Jesus. As if to put up a hand and say, "No no God. I've got this one." We become God in our own lives. We decide what's best for us in the midst of swirling chaos. Fear. Our choice is based on the fear we feel. Based on the zero trust we have in Him. We I have...decided many things based on my fear of the unknown. I've become God in my own life. I've held up that hand to His face and said, "No no God. I've got this one." Did I really? Did I ever really? No. Im not saying fear doesn't exist. It truly does. It's real. And it's paralyzing. It shuts down reality. It clouds your mind. It confuses your thoughts. It freezes you in time. It adds a thick layer that isn't really you. As it piles up on your heart, it strips away the real you. You can't feel. You can't think. You can't react. You can't move. You can't know Him. Fully. Perfect love casts out fear. And God is perfect love. Therefore He is the only One that can cast out your fear. If you let Him. When you don't fear...when you believe that He has already defeated fear and death, when you believe that, then you are free.

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