Sunday, January 1, 2012

a real generation

so i'm kind of stealing this...well, piggy backing an already existing idea.  tonight, as i remembered that 'hey, it's New Year's's 2012!" while working alongside some amazing youth leaders, setting up for our unveiling of a new name for a new year, i became...a bit, well, nostalgic. ONLY KIND OF!!! haha!

something God has been totally bringing me back to, as well as other staff on the youth team and even amongst our entire church, is the bare essentials of...Him.  He's the only real thing in this world.  He's the only real and true thing there ever will be.  our stupendous youth pastor referenced Inception. you've seen it...where they live in a dream in a dream of a dream...while they're dreaming in their sleep...yea that one.
well...they each have a thing called a totem.  it's something that is 'real' that allows each dreamer to know whether or not they are in a dream or in real life.  only they know the weight and the feel of it in their hands.  it's the only real thing that connects them to reality. 

as she wound down her message, she had each in attendance close their eyes and imagine ourselves real. before Jesus.  whatever 'real' looked like to us.  i closed my eyes, but got distracted. there was a girl sitting in front of me...sobbing.  As sarah continued to speak, she asked us to see ourselves looking Jesus in the face. square in the eyes.  to finally see Him.  really.  then she said..."He is your totem, guys."

bam.  it felt like the big bad werewolf had blown the 3 little pigs brick house on top of me.  it. hit. me. so. hard.  but then i got distracted again.  by that same girl. now using the back of her sweatshirt sleeve to wipe the tears off her cheeks.  I think Jesus was real to her. and if 1 person experienced the totem of this world, Jesus, well then, i can lay my head (which feels like a thousand pounds) on my pillow tonight and be happy that one life was impacted by the work i've partnered in with God and some of the most amazing people i have ever had the privilege to serve Him with. 

this generation is looking for real.  it's tired of searching and being let down. again. and again. and again. and still more times.  but Jesus will always be real. and He will never let us down. 

Happy New Year, generation real.  i love you

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