not like...blankity blank swear words. no no no, i'm much too transparent to bleep those out. i would have just said them, for Pete's sake (whomever Pete is.) Blank is my friend for the evening. I have a feeling he will be here for the remainder of the night. I have no idea why i'm so wide awake. no wait...i do know why. i went and saw a late night movie, thank you very much, Mountain Dew. Just Go With It. good flick. i liked it...even on the second trip. but jeeze!!! $8.75 for a blankity blank blank movie ticket??!?! on a TUESDAY NIGHT!!! come on!!! i guess i deserve it for sneaking in the Mountain Dew in my duffel bag of a purse. fine. (check out the trailer. it's a good movie.)
i apologize to my faithful following (however minute you may be.) i have not posted in a week. maybe it has been a good break for you! for some reason...i've drawn blanks. hence the title. writer's block is an actual condition, did you know that??? well, thanks to i do know. i get ideas though, at the strangest times. like, i can't pull over on the highway, doing 74mph to jot down my thoughts. be they intriguing, or vaguely bland like white rice on a paper plate. and, unfortunately (for you, of course) i can't stop mid-stride at a hockey practice, drop my gloves (even to fight) and pull out a pen to write down what's going through my mind on my sweaty palms. there are 2 reasons. 1.) who carries a pen with them while playing hockey?!?!? and 2.) eww, the ink would rub off on my sweaty hands. gross. would get ink on the inside of my gloves. come on.
maybe i should carry around a voice recorder. maybe even the ones that alter the sound of your voice, that might be fun. but probably not. it would scare me as i listened to it play back. not only because of the voice alteration...but just to hear my thoughts out loud. ooo, scary!
Thanks guys, whomever you are, that read this malarcky of thoughts jostled around in my head. it's like you're in on this with me. you get to read my life as it pans out. which could also be scary. like, it could be the last thing you read/think about before you crawl into bed. then maybe you dream about going to a hockey game and seeing a hockey player stop dead in his tracks and take off his gloves like he (or she) is gonna brawl...but is really just pulling out an ink pen shoved behind his/her ear under the helmet to write something down.
thanks again for stalking, errr, i mean, reading my life.
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