to what...
i think running....
sometimes.last night at work i guess i shouldnt have expected anything different. lately it's been extremely difficult and trying for a few various reasons. ive been sitting with more combative, confused elderly patients. if you would like to test out your own patience...(no pun intended) see how quickly your patience runs dry sitting with people who insist on climbing over the bed rails and setting off screeching bed alarms. who insist on getting into bed...when they are already in it. who clench and raise a fist, hawk loogies, make passes at you (im serious...), talk to you like you're the scum of the earth. patience is a virtue they say. here's what i want to know...WHO THE HECK IS 'THEY'??!?!? and did 'they' sit with these kinds of people, deal with these kinds of people night after night? ok, i'm done ranting. for now. my irritation began as soon as i set foot into the room last night. there was a chair, smack dab in the middle of 2 beds, both with bed alarms on, both with soft wrist restraints hanging off the bed. see...we're (us patient sitters) are not allowed to sit with 2 patients. but it happens. and when it just kinda have to take it. its been happening more often than not. here's the funny part (maybe not funny...), the floor ive been sitting on a SURGERY RECOVERY FLOOR!!!! not a confused, dementia, combative patient floor. all night, i heard confused yells and babbled shouting all up and down the hall. it really is sad. and the even sadder part (sadder???) is that all the floors are like that. oncology, med-surg, selective, ICU. it's really sad. i heard that nursing homes won't take patients from a hospital that require a patient sitter...whether it's true or not, the hospital is FULL of them.

all i could think about, besides jumping out the window, was blowing off my steam and irritation by running. not just out of the hospital...but just running. i got home and was so tired. as would be expected when staying up all night...added to wrestling around with some big old confused guy all night. T-I-R-E-D.

i jumped on the trail and let loose. it was wonderful. the noise of the 6 lane, 2 directional highway masked my heavy breathing and otherwise labored respiratory difficulties. it's hard to run after getting over sinus congestion...
i got back to my car, not even knowing the distance, or the time (which normally crosses my mind, oh every 2 minutes) and it didn't even bother me. i was gone for 30 minutes. i wished it was longer. but it would suffice. it was just...nice to know i could get out of my car, jump on a trail and go. no music, no agenda, no restrictions, no time restraints, no old men trying to make moves on me, punch me, kick me, shove me or cuss me out (at least not that i knew of...).
I wish I shared your addiction.. I happen to be addicted to sleep and ice cream. I think it has the opposite affect.
ReplyDeleteDid you feel this way when you first started running?
Not at all Jess!
ReplyDeleteIn fact, today I had my plan all set up to be up and running, literally, by 8am. And then doing the rest of the things I have on my agenda. I slept thru my alarm. Twice. But I worked overnight the past couple nights and haven't really slept. So I think it's ok that I didn't do it this morning. I am going to try and do it later. Some days I just don't want to. And on those days I force myself to go. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes not.