begin, new brain child
from now on, the posts i blog about referring to my fiction story "Green Sneakers" will be fresh and new. straight from my head (could be a scary thing....)
"Good thing," God said, "I've been wanting to hang out with you too for some time." Jane shook her head and realized that she was lost in one of her memories again. She quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, God, um, Lord, Jesus...Daddy?" she stammered, not quite sure what to call Him.
He smiled and sat down. Jane sat across from Him.

Jane stared at the floor, blinking her eyes rapidly, trying to figure out just what was happening to her. She jostled back and forth in her mind, "This can't be real." The frown on her brow was indicative of her confusion. He moved up in the chair He was sitting in, dipped His head until His eyes could see her.
Her angst seemed to melt away as she nervously, at first, stared back at Him. She wondered in her head if she was supposed to look straight at Him. Every time she thought about pulling away, or to shift her eyes back to the floor, she couldn't. It was like something wouldn't let her. She was so captivated by this man. She began to feel herself sink into the chair, her fingers that once dug into the arms of the chair slowly flattened against hte brown leather. she didn't realize just how anxious she was. there were little dashes in the arm of hte chair where her fingernails unconsciously dug into the hide. It was as if the world in front of her was slowly coming into focus. like a big pair of windshield wipers swept away the confusion.
Jane finally lifted her head and stared straight on. Her shoulders relaxed. She finally saw Him. For the first time, she really saw Him.
He smiled with that warm smile. the warmth that extended from his smile made Jane feel so relaxed. she closed her eyes and imagined a warm ray of sun shining on her shoulders. like the feeling one has when getting out of a chilled pool, followed by the sun's greeting of warmth. That's the way she felt. She sank back further into the massive leather chair as her mind continued to imagine. She opened one eye, as of to say "He can't REALLY be sitting here, in front of me, can He?" He was. Only His eyes were also closed. the same smile sat on His face as if it were the only facial expression He had.
"That pool looked pretty cold, eh?" He said. Jane half-laughed. She forgot. This was God. he knew her thoughts, He gave them to her. "This is fun," He said. "Do you have any other thoughts? You must!"
"Um no, not right now I don't I mean, i guess I don't. I guess i have...("some questions" her mind finished saying.) She looked up at Him. He grinned and winked at her.
"Everyone always has questions for me, Jane."
Stay tuned, tuner-inners!
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